NHS support for Afghan veterans of the British armed forces

The NHS Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service offers support to Afghans who worked with the British armed forces between October 2001 and August 2021. 


Who can access this service? 

This service is available for Afghans now living in the UK who worked in Afghanistan: 

  • Either directly for the British government as Locally Employed Civilians, such as interpreters or embassy staff  

  • Or in assistance of British operations in the country (for example, through serving in the Afghan National Army).   

What help is available? 

This service provides mental health assessments, advocacy and support. We can help you access: 

  • Specialist mental health treatment and support if problems are military or conflict attributable. 

  • Treatment and support for other mental and physical health problems. 

  • Refer you and connect you with help for practical problems related to settling in the UK, such as finances, housing, and employment. 


What to expect 

Referrals for Afghans living across England are managed by Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust. 

Once you complete a referral form (please see below) they will contact you by phone and can provide interpreters, if needed. 

They can also arrange face to face or online appointments to discuss your needs in more detail. 

After your first meeting, you may be referred to the Op Courage service in your local area, who can help you further. 


What happens next? 

If you live in South East England you will be referred to us so that you can access support nearer to where you are. 

We will contact you to arrange a meeting either in-person or virtually, using an online video call. We can arrange for you to have an interpreter if needed. 

At the end of your meeting we will make a care plan, including recommendations for treatment and other support. 

We may also get additional help from other services, or organisations, for example around your housing, welfare, or social care.   

In some instances, you may be referred to other NHS services that will better meet your needs, but this will be discussed and agreed with you first. 


How to refer 

You can refer yourself or you can ask a health professional to refer you to this service which is managed across England by Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust. 

Use the online referral form 

Call  0203 317 7979  

Email afghanservice@candi.nhs.uk  

If you have questions about a referral, or need an interpreter, please call us. The referrals team for this service is available weekdays, 9am-5pm. 

This is not an urgent or emergency service. If you need urgent help, please contact your GP, call NHS 111 or if your life is in danger go to your nearest A&E or call 999.